Stylopauropus Cook, 1896

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Suggested Common Name: [incomplete]
Number of subordinate taxa: [incomplete]
Etymology: [incomplete]
Taxonomic History: [incomplete]
Size Range: [incomplete]
Description: [incomplete]
Type taxon: [incomplete]
Notes:  [incomplete]

Key to species (provided by Grant Wang)

1 a. Anal plate more or less circular, without marked posterolateral corners, at most minor denticles; lateral curvature continuing to the base of the median appendages --> 2
b. Anal plate roughly semicurcular or quadrate, with marked posterolateral corners developed into spines, teeth, or lobes; lateral curvature ending at posterolateral corners --> 5

2 (1) a. Anal plate with thin, elongate median appendages --> 3
b. Anal plate with short, strongly clavate median appendages --> 4

3 (2) a. Pygidium tergum with setae st longer, elongate and/or with a distinct "stalk". Anal plate with tiny lateral denticles, large median U shaped incision between median appendages --> S. brito
b. Pygidium tergum with setae st very short, subcircular. Anal plate without lateral modifications, shallow V shaped incision between median appendages --> S. dybasi

4 (2) a. Pygidium tergum with median U shaped incision, setae st thin and weakly clavate. Anal plate bilobate, median appendages apically blunt, widest point at apex --> S. sulcatoides
b. Pygidium tergum without obvious median modification, setae st thick and apically pointed. Anal plate simple, median appendages apically pointed, widest point at middle --> S. allmenae

5 (1) a. Pygidium tergum with a long median V shaped incision. Anal plate with median appendages clavate --> S. sulcatus
b. Pygidium tergum without median incision. Anal plate with median appendages cylindrical or spiniform --> 6

6 (5) a. Anal plate with posterolateral corners developed into very long, thin, spine like appendages, which reach at least the midpoint of the median appendages --> S. pedunculatus pedunculatus 7
b. Anal plate with posterolateral corners shorter, variously shaped, not reaching the midpoint of the median appendages --> 9

7 (6) a. Anal plate with U shaped median incision, basal portion more than twice as wide as long --> S. pedunculatus pedunculatus var. danicus
b. Anal plate with V shaped median incision, basal portion less than twice as wide as long --> 8

8 (7) a. Anal plate with lateral margins sinuous, appearing "pinched" --> S. pedunculatus pedunculatus var. carpathicus
b. Anal plate with lateral margins more or less parallel, straight --> S. pedunculatus pedunculatus var. italicus

9 (6) a. Pygidium tergum with setae st thin, long, and acuminate, subsimilar to a seta series. Anal plate with extremely narrow gap between median appendages, no wider than appendages themselves --> S. plicatus
b. Pygidium tergum with setae st various but not as above. Anal plate with wider gap between median appendages, wider than appendages themselves --> 10

10 (9) a. Pygidium tergum with setae st cylindrical to clavate, not thickest apically --> 11
b. Pygidium tergum with setae st strongly clavate, thickest apically --> 13

11 (10) a. Antennal globulus with stalk more than 3 times as long as capsule bearing portion, thin. Sternal antennal branch with prolongation bearing second flagellum nearly as long as globulus. Anal plate with basal portion wider basally than apically, median appendages cylindrical --> S. longitarsus
b. Antennal globulus with stalk less than 2 times as long as capsule bearing portion, thick. Sternal antennal branch with prolongation bearing second flagellum much shorter than globulus. Anal plate with basal portion as wide or wider apically than basally, median appendages tapering --> 12

12 (11) a. Ventral process of collum apically cleft, blunt. Anal plate with basal portion as wide apically as basally, median appendages clearly longer than basal portion --> S. quadruus
b. Ventral process of collum entire, pointed. Anal plate with basal portion wider apically than basally, median appendages superequal in length to basal portion --> S. canadensis

13 (10) a. Anal plate with a wide rectangular space between median appendages, posterolateral corners spiniform, directed obliquely --> S. divaricatus
b. Anal plate with a U or V shaped space or incision between median appendages, posterolateral corners tooth like and directed posteriorly --> 14

14 (13) a. Pygidium tergum with setae glabrous. Anal plate with median appendages blunt, shorter than basal portion --> S. fratuelis
b. Pygidium tergum with setae pubescent. Anal plate with median appendages usually tapering, if not at least as long as basal portion --> 15

15 (14) a. Pygidium tergum with setae a1 unilaterally ciliate. Anal plate with incision between median appendages wider than deep --> 16
b. Pygidium tergum with setae a1 uniformly pubescent. Anal plate with incision between median appendages deeper than or as deep as wide --> 17

16 (15) a. Antennal globulus unremarkable, bracts uniformly ringed on an even stalk --> S. senticosus
b. Antennal globulus with flattened cordate capsule, stalk with 2 "spines" lying on the same plane as the widest section of the capsule, bracts growing shorter nearing the apices of these "spines" --> S. sp.

17 (15) a. Pygidium tergum with setae a1 distinctly shorter than a2 or a3 --> S. pedunculatus brevicornis
b. Pygidium tergum with setae a1 subequal to a2 and a3 --> 18

18 (17) a. Head with tergal setae clavate. Sternal antennal branch with prolongation bearing second flagellum much shorter than globulus --> S. californianus
b. Head with tergal setae subcylindrical. Sternal antennal branch with prolongation bearing second flagellum nearly as long as globulus --> S. boreus


Chalupsky, J. (1964). Study on the Stylopauropus' species in Europe. Vestník Ceskoslovenske Spolecnosti Zoologicke, 28(4): 326-337.

Remy, P.A. (1956). Pauropodes des États-Unis d'Amerique. Mémoires de la Société Nationale des Sciences Naturelles et Mathématiques de Cherbourg, 47: 1-48.

Remy, P.A. (1958). Pauropodes des États-Unis d' Amerique et de la Jamaîque. Mémoires de la Société Nationale des Sciences Naturelles et Mathématiques de Cherbourg, 48: 1-77.

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