Scleropauropus Silvestri, 1902

Main Page | [incomplete]

Suggested Common Name: [incomplete]
Number of subordinate taxa: [incomplete]
Etymology: [incomplete]
Taxonomic History: [incomplete]
Size Range: [incomplete]
Description: [incomplete]
Type taxon: [incomplete]
Notes:  [incomplete]

Key to species (provided by Grant Wang)

1 a. Third trichobothria distally thickened. Pygidium tergum with setae a1 and a2 lanceolate, a3  spindle-shaped, all short; seta st subcylindrical. Anal plate with median incision reaching about the midpoint of the basal plate, apically with a pair of short triangular median projections overlying a pair of striated median appendages in addition to a pair of lateral branches about 1/3 as long as the basal plate --> S. "hastifer" ( = lyrifer)
b. Third trichobothria distally narrowed. Pygidium tergum with setae a1 lanceolate, a2 and a2 setiform, a3 very long and a2 distinctly longer than a1; st distinctly clavate. Anal plate with deep median incision nearly to the base, apically with a pair of long, pointed, pubescent median branches and a pair of lateral branches about 1/2 as long as the basal plate --> S. chapanecus 


Remy, P. (1936). Beitrag zur Fauna der Myriapoden Deutschlands, mit Beschreibung neuer Arten. Zoologischer Anzeiger, 116 (11-12): 310-320.

Remy, P. (1957). Pauropodes de Mexique méridional. Bulletin de la Société des sciences de Nancy n. Sér., 16: 133-139.