Eurypauropus Ryder, 1879

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Suggested Common Name: [incomplete]
Number of subordinate taxa: [incomplete]
Etymology: [incomplete]
Taxonomic History: [incomplete]
Size Range: [incomplete]
Description: [incomplete]
Type taxon: [incomplete]
Notes: E. unciger and related species likely belong to an as of yet undifferentiated undescribed genus due to multiple notable morphological peculiarities differing from typical members of Eurypauropus (K. Hasenhütl pers. com.).

Key to species (provided by Grant Wang)

1 a. Pygidium tergum with setae st short,  spatulate, ovoid. Primary branches of anal plate cylindrical, 2 pairs of spine-like lateral appendages --> 2
b. Pygidium tergum with setae st longer, lamellar or cylindrical, tapering. Primary branches of anal plate lamellar and quadrate, at most 1 pair of rounded lateral appendages --> 3

2 (1) a. Pygidium tergum with setae a1 bifid, with a tiny median branch. Anal plate with inner lateral appendages terminating on a lower level than outer lateral appendages, median branches tipped by a small spine --> E. nr. unciger
b. Pygidium tergum with setae a1 simple. Anal plate with lateral appendages terminating on the same level, median branches unarmed --> E. unciger

3 (1) a. All legs 5 segmented. Antennal segment 3 with globulus' very long stalked, much more than 3x as long as wide --> E. armatus
b. First and last legs of adults 5 segmented, interposed 6 segmented with tarsus subdivided. Antennal segment 3 with globulus' short stalked, less than 3x as long as wide --> 4

4 (3) a. Antennal globulus with distinctly arcuate stalk. Antennal segment 3 with globulus' with stalk nearly absent, reduced to almost a raised mound. Anal plate branches without lateral appendages --> E. arcuatus
b. Antennal globulus with linear stalk. Antennal segment 3 with globulus' on a distinct cylindrical stalk. Anal plate branches with distinct lateral appendages --> 5

5 (4) a. Pygidium tergum with setae st simply kinked, elbowed but otherwise linear. Anal plate with large, wing-like secondary appendages. Pygidial setae b2 thick, spine-like --> E. washingtonensis
b. Pygidium tergum with setae st twisted or spiraling. Anal plate with small, nodular secondary appendages. Pygidial setae b2 not as above, simple setiform --> 6

6 (5 a. Antennal globulus with a relatively longer stalk, significantly longer than the base segments of the adjacent flagella --> 7
b. Antennal globulus with a relatively shorter stalk, only slightly longer than the base segments of the adjacent flagella --> 8

7 (6) a. Pygidium tergum with setae st shorter, distinctly flattened and curved against the outline of the tergite. Pygidium sternum with setae b3 only slightly shorter than b2 --> E. nr. californicus
b. Pygidium tergum with setae st longer, cylindrical and outstanding. Pygidium sternum with setae b3 significantly shorter than b2 --> E. californicus

8 (6) a. Antennal segment 3 with globulus' only slightly wider apically than basally, with bracts. Pygidial setae st twisted, apically widened. Anal plate branches with secondary appendages originating on the lateral faces, directed subparallel to branches --> E. spinosus
b. Antennal segment 3 with globulus' more than twice as wide apically than basally, without bracts. Pygidial setae st bent into a spiral, apically tapering. Anal plate branches with secondary appendages originating at the junction between the lateral and posterior faces, directed obliquely away from the longitudinal axis of the branches -- E. sp.


Hasenhütl, K. (1987). Systematik der Eurypauropodinae (Tracheata, Dignatha, Pauropoda). Verhandlungen des naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg, 28: 129-194.

Macswain, J.W. & Lanham, U.N. (1948). New genera and species of Pauropoda from California. Pan-Pacific Entomologist, 24(2): 69-84.

Remy, P.A. (1956). Pauropodes des États-Unis d'Amerique. Mémoires de la Société Nationale des Sciences Naturelles et Mathématiques de Cherbourg, 47: 1-48.

Scheller, U. (1985). Taxonomical and distributional notes on pauropods from the United States (Myriapoda, Pauropoda: Pauropodidae, Eurypauropodidae). Entomologica Scandinavica, 16: 237-257.

Scheller, U. (2011). Notes on Pauropoda (Myriapoda) from USA, with descriptions of two new species. ZooKeys, 115: 19-26.