Donzelotauropus Remy, 1957

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Suggested Common Name: [incomplete]
Number of subordinate taxa: [incomplete]
Etymology: [incomplete]
Taxonomic History: [incomplete]
Size Range: [incomplete]
Description: [incomplete]
Type taxon: [incomplete]
Notes:  [incomplete]

Key to species (provided by Grant Wang)

1 a. Pygidium tergum with setae st broad, uniformly oval, leaf-like. Anal plate with 2 pairs of parallel, close-set, posteriorly directed thick fingerlike branches; interspaces between branches not wider than branches themselves --> D. crassimanus
b. Pygidium tergum with setae st variously formed but not as above. Anal plate variously formed but not as above; if with 2 pairs of parallel posteriorly directed branches interspaces between slender branches wider than branches themselves --> 2

2 (1) a. Pygidium tergum with setae st borne on a pair of prominent tumosities, space in between st a contrastingly pubescent concavity obviously wider than the st are long. Anal plate with a single pair of projections in the form of 2 stalked spherical swellings --> D. dividuus
b. Pygidium tergum not as above; if with a pubescent concavity in between setae st then with concavity superequal to or narrower than the length of st and without st borne on priminent tumosities. Anal plate with 2 pairs of projections (may appear to be 1 in D. subarcticus, but the nature of the projections differs from above) --> 3

3 (2) a. Basal portion of anal plate distinctly wider than long, lateral branches distinctly obliquely directed, almost perpendicular to medial branches --> 4
b. Basal portion of anal plate longer than wide or with dimensions subequal, lateral branches parallel to medial branches or weakly oblique (basal portion slightly wider than long in D. subarcticus, but there the lateral projections are inconspicuous and parallel to medial branches) --> 9

4 (3) a. 9 legged adults with a single pair of tergal head setae massive, strongly contrastingly differentiated and scimitar or horn-shaped --> 5
b. 9 legged adults with all tergal head setae normal --> 8

5 (4) a. Head with tergal setae a1 of row 4 massive and strongly differentiated --> D. capricornutus
b. Head with tergal setae a2 of row 3 massive and strongly differentiated --> 6

6 (5) a. Head with mediotergal constrastingly pubescent groove. Pygidium tergum with setae st apically strongly clavate --> D. securiger
b. Head without medioteral contrastingly pubescent groove. Pygidium tergum with setae st cylindrical, apically bifid --> 7

7 (6) a. Head with tergal setae a1 longitudinally grooved; tergal setae of row 1 differentiated, a2 bladder-shaped; tergal setae of row 4 normal. Trichobothria 3 with only a slight basal swelling --> D. machaerophorus
b. Head with tergal setae a1 not longitudinally grooved; tergal setae of row 1 normal; tergal setae of row 4 differentiated, constrastingly long. Trichobothria 3 with a distinct club-like basal swelling --> D. gladiator

8 (4) a. Antennal globulus with bracts more than half the length of stalk. Anal plate with lateral projections blunt, medial projections in the form of crooked, club-like extensions --> D. strigilarius
b. Antennal globulus with bracts no more than half the length of stalk. Anal plate with lateral projections acute, medial projections in the form of clavate appendages --> D. fraternus

9 (8) a. Anal plate in the form of an incised plate, lateral projections in the form of tapering triangular teeth --> 10
b. Anal plate antler-like, lateral projections in the form of subcylindrical branches --> 14

10 (9) a. Anal plate without a median incision between medial projections, lateral projections in the form of minute denticles, medial projections in the form of short, clavate appendages --> D. subarcticus
b. Anal plate with a median incision between medial projections, lateral projections in the form of distinct triangular teeth, medial projections in the form of long, subcylindrical or conical appendages --> 11

11 (10) a. Anal plate with lateral projections extremely pronounced and elongated, around 3/4 as long as medial projections --> D. pocahontas
b. Anal plate with lateral projections small, much shorter than medial projections, no more than 1/2 as long as medial projections --> 12

12 (11) a. 9 legged adults with massive 9th legs, femur and tibia swollen, tibia with ventral cuticle wrinkled --> D. longipes
b. 9 legged adults with unremarkable 9th legs, femur and tibia normal, cuticle more or less uniformly sculptured --> 13

13 (12) a. Anal plate with median incision between medial projections deeper than bases of projections, V shaped. Pygidium tergum with setae st short, clavate --> D. schusteri
b. Anal plate with median incision between medial projections shallow, not deeper than bases of projections, U shaped. Pygidium tergum with setae st long, subcylindrical --> D. quadrisulcus

14 (9) a. Anal plate with lateral projections shorter, slightly more than half the length of the basal portion --> 15
b. Anal plate with lateral projections longer, subequal to the length of the basal portion --> 17

15 (14) a. Pygidium tergum with setae a1 and a2 pubescent. Anal plate with medial projections in the form of a pair of appendages arising from a pair of low tubercles  on the basal portion --> D. diffisus
b.Pygidium tergum with setae a1 and a2 glabrous. Anal plate with medial projections in the form of a pair of appendages arising directly from the basal portion --> 16

16 (15) a. Pygidium tergum with setae a1 and a2 apically blunt, a2 considerably longer than a3.  Anal plate with median incision U shaped, extending for around 2/3 of the length of the basal plate --> D. hystriculus
b. Pygidium tergum with setae a1 and a2 apically acuminate, tipped by an apical bristle, a2 subequal in length with a3. Anal plate with median incision V shaped, extending for around 1/2 of the length of the basal plate --> D. sp.

17 (14) a. Antennal globulus with bracts more than half the length of stalk. Anal plate with lateral projections more or less parallel with medial projections, directed posteriorly; basal portion with sides straight to weakly concave --> D. limitaneus
b. Antennal globulus with bracts less than half the length of stalk. Anal plate with lateral projections oblique to medial projections, directed posterolaterally; basal portion with sides distinctly concave --> D. tenuitarsus


Remy, P. (1957). Pauropodes des États-Unis (Tennessee, North Carolina). Revue francaise d'entomologie, 24: 82-87.

Remy, P. (1962). Contribution a la Connaissance de la microfaune endogée de l'Italie Nord-Orientale. Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2e série, 34(1): 72-81.

Scheller, U. (1985). Taxonomical and distributional notes on pauropods from the United States (Myriapoda, Pauropoda: Pauropodidae, Eurypauropodidae). Entomologica Scandinavica, 16: 237-257.

Scheller, U. (1986). Beringian Pauropoda (Myriapoda). Entomologica Scandinavica, 17: 363-391.

Scheller, U. (1986). Redescription of Stylopauropus (D.) schusteri Remy, 1959 (Myriapoda, Pauropoda, Pauropodidae). Bulletin du Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 4e série, Section A, Zoologie 8(1): 195-198.

Scheller, U. (2011). Pauropoda (Myriapoda) from Great Smoky Mountains National Park, USA, with descriptions of four new species. Zootaxa, 2962: 36-48.